2006-12-08 | | Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.), mathematics education, Linköping University, Sweden |
2004-12-16 | | Licentiate of philosophy, mathematics education, Linköping University, Sweden |
2000-05-25 | | Master of education for the upper secondary school, mathematics and physics, Linköping University, Sweden |
2000-05-25 | | Bachelor of science in mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
2010 | | Postgraduate supervision in practice (2 weeks), Umeå University, Sweden |
2007 | | Teaching in higher education, step 2: Design, evaluation, and organization of learning (6 credits), Linköping University, Sweden |
2001--2006 | | Doctoral studies, mathematics and mathematics education, Linköping University, Sweden |
2000 | | Courses in the physics programme, theoretical physics, Linköping University, Sweden |
1995--2000 | | Teacher programme for the upper secondary school (mathematics and physics), Linköping University, Sweden |
1992--1995 | | Natural science programme, Västerbergslagens utbildningscentrum (upper secondary level), Ludvika, Sweden |
2023-- | | Professor, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden |
2021--2024 | | Professor, Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education, Mid Sweden University, Sweden |
2018--2023 | | Senior lecturer (Universitetslektor), Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden |
2016--2021 | | Visting professor, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Mid Sweden University, Sweden |
2012 | | Appointed as Docent (Associate Professor) in Mathematics Education by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University, Sweden |
2014--2018 | | Researcher, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden |
2015--2016 | | Researcher, Department of Science Education and Mathematics, Mid Sweden University, Sweden |
2009 | | Expert, The Swedish National Agency for Education, Stockholm, Sweden (assignment to develop a model for subject syllabi for the upper secondary school, see a report from the agency (in Swedish), March 23, 2009). |
2008--2014 | | Research fellow, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden |
2007--2008 | | Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
2007 | | Acting Instructor and Acting Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
2001--2006 | | Doctoral student, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
2000--2001 | | Instructor/Guest teacher, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
1999--2000 | | Teaching assistant (amanuens), Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
1996--1999 | | Teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden |
Teaching experience
Appointed as qualified teacher at Umeå University, 2016-05-01.
Courses in mathematics at the upper secondary level
Preparatory studies for university and as intensive course during the summer.
Courses in mathematics at the university level for teacher, science, engineering, and civil engineering students
Introductory courses, algebra, discrete mathematics, geometry, and calculus in one and several variables.
Teacher programme
Interdisciplinary studies in mathematics, physics, courses about mathematics education and the teaching of mathematics from A to C level, and supervision of numerous degree projects.
Postgraduate students
Ongoing supervision
Oskar Segerlund, Umeå University, Sweden (assistant supervisor)
Semiotic forms of representation in the teaching and learning of mathematics
Completed supervision
Malin Norberg, Mid Sweden University, Sweden (assistant supervisor), May 2020
From design to meaning-making: A multimodal study on students' work with mathematics textbooks in year 1 (doctoral thesis)
Sara Engvall, Umeå University, Sweden (main supervisor), November 2019
Opening the black box of mathematics teachers’ professional growth: A study of the process of teacher learning (doctoral thesis)
Birgit Gustafsson, Mid Sweden University, Sweden (main supervisor), October 2019
Algebra difficulties from a student and a teacher perspective: Obstacles in learning situations and challenges in teaching situations (doctoral thesis)
Frithjof Theens, Umeå University, Sweden (assistant supervisor), September 2019
Does language matter? Sources of inequivalence and demand of reading ability of mathematics tasks in different languages (doctoral thesis)
Anneli Dyrvold, Umeå University, Sweden (main supervisor), October 2016
Difficult to read or difficult to solve? The role of natural language and other semiotic resources in mathematics tasks (doctoral thesis)
Jenny Sullivan Hellgren, Umeå University, Sweden (main supervisor), June 2016
Students as scientists: A study of motivation in the science classroom (doctoral thesis)
Catarina Andersson, Umeå University, Sweden (assistant supervisor), May 2015
Professional development in formative assessment: Effects on teacher classroom practice and student achievement (doctoral thesis)
Maria Kenneman, Umeå University, Sweden (assistant supervisor), June 2014
Progression of algebraic discourse in school years 2 to 8 (licentiate thesis)
Doctoral courses
Created and implemented a 5 week course together with Ewa Bergqvist, within a national doctoral programme, spring 2012: A subject didactics perspective on the language of schooling in mathematics and science
Opponent for doctoral thesis by Anna Lundberg (at University of Gothenburg, Sweden), December 2024
Final reading of doctoral thesis by Helén Sterner (at Linnaeus University and Dalarna University, Sweden), August 2024
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Niklas Humble (at Mid Sweden University, Sweden), January 2023
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Sofie Arnell (at Linköping University, Sweden), September 2021
Discussant at 90% seminar for licentiate thesis by Karoline Holmgren (at Umeå University, Sweden), October 2020
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Helena Grundén (at Linnaeus University, Sweden), September 2020
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Kristina Palm Kaplan (at Uppsala University, Sweden), December 2019
Discussant at 90% seminar for doctoral thesis by Daniel Brehmer (at Mälardalen University, Sweden), March 2019
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Elisabet Mellroth (at Karlstad University, Sweden), December 2018
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Erika Boström (at Umeå University, Sweden), June 2017
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Mathias Norqvist (at Umeå University, Sweden), September 2016
Opponent and member of grading committee for licentiate thesis by Jannika Lindvall (at Mälardalen University, Sweden), June 2016
Pre-examiner for doctoral thesis by Laura Tuohilampi (at Helsinki University, Finland), December 2015
Member of grading committee for doctoral thesis by Helena Johansson (at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden), June 2015
Opponent for licentiate thesis by Laurence Russell (at Mid Sweden University, Sweden), May 2015
Discussant at 50% seminar for doctoral thesis by Ida Bergvall (at Uppsala University, Sweden), April 2015
Discussant at 90% seminar for doctoral thesis by Yvonne Liljekvist (at Karlstad University, Sweden), November 2013
Discussant at 50% seminar for doctoral thesis by Maria Larsson (at Mälardalen University, Sweden), October 2013
Member of Confirmation Review Panel for Deborah Michels (at Monash University, Australia) who proposed to upgrade from MEd Research to PhD, February 2013
Member of Confirmation Review Panel for Bernadette Long (at Monash University, Australia) who proposed to upgrade from MEd Research to PhD, May 2012
Conference presentations (without published paper)
2024-07-17--21 | | PME 47, The 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Auckland, New Zealand Title: Supporting mathematics teachers’ planning of multimodal teaching (together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2024-03-19--20 | | MADIF 14, The fourteenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Örebro, Sweden Title #1: Students’ talk about mathematical symbols (together with Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist and Frithjof Theens) Title #2: Cognitive processing of mathematical symbols (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Bert Jonsson) Title #3: Cohesion and tension in task design: Students working with multimodal tasks (together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2023-07-16--21 | | PME 46, The 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Haifa, Israel Title: Interplay between modes in mathematics textbooks (together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2022-07-18--23 | | PME 45, The 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Alicante, Spain Title #1: A multimodal perspective on number sense in digital learning resources (together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) Title #2: How textbooks in different school years bring meaning to mathematical symbols (together with Ewa Bergqvist, Lotta Vingsle, Tomas Bergqvist and Ulrika Wikström Hultdin) |
2022-03-29--30 | | MADIF 13, The thirteenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Växjö, Sweden Title #1: Spatial relations and other text features in the connections between mathematical symbols and written language (together with Ulrika Wikström Hultdin, Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist and Lotta Vingsle) Title #2: Connections between natural language and mathematical symbols in mathematics textbooks (together with Tomas Bergqvist, Ulrika Wikström Hultdin, Ewa Bergqvist and Lotta Vingsle) Title #3: How natural language gives meaning to mathematical symbols in textbooks at different school years (together with Ewa Bergqvist, Lotta Vingsle, Tomas Bergqvist and Ulrika Wikström Hultdin) Title #4: Number sense in the app Vektor: Mathematical progression and use of various modes (together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2021-07-19--23 | | PME 44, The 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Online Title: Algebra discourse in mathematics and physics textbooks for upper secondary school (together with Helena Johansson) |
2020-01-14--15 | | MADIF 12, The twelfth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Växjö, Sweden Title #1: How mathematical symbols and natural language are integrated in textbooks (together with Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist, Lotta Vingsle and Ulrika Wikström Hultdin) Title #2: How mathematical symbols and natural language is used in teachers’ presentations (together with Ewa Bergqvist, Tomas Bergqvist, Lotta Vingsle and Ulrika Wikström Hultdin) Title #3: The processing of mathematical symbols in working memory (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Bert Jonsson) |
2018-07-03--08 | | PME 42, The 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden Title: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the gap between secondary and tertiary mathematics (together with Helena Johansson, Liselott Flodén and Pia Heidtmann) |
2018-01-23--24 | | MADIF 11, The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, Sweden Title #1: Argumentation in university textbooks (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Jenny Sullivan Hellgren) Title #2: Linguistic Features as Possible Sources for DIF in Mathematics PISA Tasks (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Frithjof Theens) Title #3: Clash of cultures? Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of differences between secondary and tertiary mathematics education (together with Helena Johansson) |
2017-07-17--22 | | PME 41, The 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Singapore Title #1: Variation of explicit argumentation in mathematics textbooks (together with Ewa Bergqvist) Title #2: Upper-secondary teachers' objectification of symbols by their use of language (together with Helena Johansson) |
2017-06-07--09 | | NFSUN 2017, Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, Trondheim, Norway Title: Argumentation in university textbooks: Comparing biology, chemistry and mathematics (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Jenny Sullivan Hellgren) |
2017-05-30--06-02 | | NORMA 17, The Eighth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, Stockholm, Sweden Title: Linguistic Features in Mathematics PISA Tasks in Different Languages (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Frithjof Theens) |
2016-08-03--07 | | PME 40, The 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary Title #1: Comparing mathematics tasks in different languages (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Cris Edmonds-Wathen) Title #2: Relations between linguistic features and difficulty of PISA tasks in different languages (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Frithjof Theens) |
2016-01-26--27 | | MADIF 10, The tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, Sweden Title #1: Framework of linguistic properties to compare mathematics tasks in different languages (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Cris Edmonds-Wathen) Title #2: Linguistic properties of PISA mathematics tasks in different languages (together with Ewa Bergqvist and Frithjof Theens) |
2012-12-03--06 | | AARE-APERA 2012, joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association, Sydney, Australia Title: The role of mathematical proficiencies across year levels and content strands in the Australian Curriculum (together with Deborah Michels) |
2011-11-24--25 | | Symposium on Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health and Environmental Education, Melbourne, Australia Title: Statistical methods when studying the relationship between reading and solving mathematical tasks |
2011-07-10--15 | | PME 35, The 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Ankara, Turkey Title: A framework for studying differences between process- and object-oriented discourses |
2010-02-08--09 | | North Calotte conference in mathematics education, Tromsø, Norway Title: Empirical analysis and theory when studying relationships between epistemological beliefs and properties of mathematical discourse |
2008-01-29--30 | | MADIF 6, The sixth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden Title: Epistemological beliefs and communication in mathematics education at upper secondary and university levels |
2006-10-25--26 | | Aniversary conference of the Research school in mathematics education, Linköping, Sweden Title: The role of theory in the research process (together with Andreas Ryve and Johan Lithner) |
2006-05-25--28 | | Workshop on research and development work on mathematics textbooks, Kristiansand, Norway Title: Reading comprehension and learning by reading |
2004-07-04--11 | | ICME-10, International Congress on Mathematical Education, Copenhagen, Denmark Title: Reading mathematical texts: Cognitive processes and mental representations (Discussion group 14) |
2003-05-09--11 | | Nordic preconference to ICME-10, Växjö, Sweden Title: Learning mathematics by reading - a study of students interacting with a text |
Popular science presentations
2024-03-21--22 | | Mathematics biennial, Örebro, Sweden (lecture, together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2022-03-31--04-01 | | Mathematics biennial, Växjö, Sweden (lecture, together with Helena Johansson and Malin Norberg) |
2017-11-22--23 | | Teachers' in-service training in mathematics and science education, Sundsvall and Östersund, Sweden (lectures) |
2015-10-28 | | Teachers' in-service training in technology and science, Umeå, Sweden (lecture, together with Ewa Bergqvist) |
2015-09-29 | | Seminar at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden (lecture) |
2013-10-30 | | Teachers' in-service training in technology and science, Umeå, Sweden (lecture, together with Ewa Bergqvist) |
2012-01-26--27 | | Mathematics biennial, Umeå, Sweden (2 lectures, together with Ewa Bergqvist) |
2011-08-12 | | The Sixth Nordic Dyslexia Pedagogical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden (lecture) |
2009-04-25 | | Swedish Dyslexia Association, Stockholm, Sweden (lecture) |
2008-10-28 | | Teachers' in-service training in technology and science, Umeå, Sweden (lecture) |
2008-02-27 | | Visit to lower secondary school, Mölndal, Sweden (lecture) |
2007-03-23 | | The publishing house Natur & Kultur's conference for teachers in physics and mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden (lecture) |
2006-01-27 | | Mathematics biennial, Malmö, Sweden (lecture) |
2004-11-15--16 | | Open house at two research schools in mathematics, Uppsala, Sweden (poster) |
2004-11-01--03 | | School forum, Stockholm, Sweden (lecture and poster) |
2003-03-01 | | Open house, Linköping University, Sweden (poster) |
2002-10-10 | | Visit to upper secondary school, Mjölby, Sweden (informal presentation and discussions) |
2002-05-15 | | Teachers from upper secondary schools visiting Linköping University (informal presentation and discussions) |
See separate list of publications
Grants and awards
2024 - The Swedish Institute for Educational Research (Skolfi)
Project grant (4.5 million kronor): Mathematical problems for enrichment and differentiated teaching (PI: Helena Johansson)
2024 - Umeå School of Education
Project grant (1.4 million kronor): Interplay between words and symbols in mathematics education with a focus on the learning of equality (PI: Malin Norberg)
2022 - The Swedish Research Council (VR)
Project grant (6.0 million kronor): The dual role of process goals when implementing the written curriculum in Sweden and England (PI: Ewa Bergqvist)
2021 - Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW)
Project grant (4.0 million kronor): Students' (lack of) comprehension of mathematics texts (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2021 - Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University
Funding of mid-range equipment (325,000 kronor): Eye-tracking equipment (PI: Johan Lithner)
2020 - The Swedish Institute for Educational Research (Skolfi)
Project grant (4.5 million kronor): Functional teaching materials in mathematics: How the interplay between different semiotic resources can support
students' learning of mathematical concepts (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2020 - Mid Sweden University and Örnsköldsvik Municipality
Project grant (400,000 kronor): A mathematics app for students and teachers (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2019 - Umeå School of Education
Project grant (930,000 kronor): The dual role of the reasoning competency in policy documents and in textbooks (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2018 - Umeå School of Education
Project grant (690,000 kronor): Students’ learning of the symbolic language of mathematics from the perspective of using and learning a second language (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2017 - The Swedish Research Council (VR)
Project grant (6.0 million kronor): The role of natural language when learning the symbolic language of mathematics (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2016 - Umeå School of Education
Planning grant, two occasions (112,000 kronor): The role of natural language when learning the symbolic language of mathematics (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2015 - Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)
Conference grant (65,000 kronor): Symposium on Languages and Mathematics (SLaM) (Co-chair: Magnus Österholm)
2015 - Umeå School of Education
Project grant (670,000 kronor): Relations between the mathematical symbolic language and natural language in Swedish textbooks (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2014 - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education (NOMAD)
Best Paper Award during 2011-2013: To translate between different perspectives in belief research: A comparison between two studies
2014 - The Swedish National Agency for Education
Project grant (6.3 million kronor): Evaluation of the results from a national professional development program for mathematics teachers (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2013 - Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)
Project grant (3.5 million kronor): Effects on the demand of reading ability when translating mathematical tasks between different languages (PI: Ewa Bergqvist)
2013 - The Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation
Project grant (20,000 kronor): What are the reasons to large differences regarding demand of reading ability between English and Spanish versions of the same mathematical tasks? (PI: Magnus Österholm)
2009 - The Swedish Research Council (VR) and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)
Conference grant (78,000 kronor): Workshop on Mathematical Beliefs (WoMB) (Chair: Magnus Österholm)
Invited as reviewer for:
Mathematical Thinking and Learning (2025)
Studies in Educational Evaluation (2020, 2024)
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2015, 2018, 2020, 2023)
Oxford Review of Education (2023)
Education & Learning (2022)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (2020, 2021)
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior (2021)
Educational Studies in Mathematics (2011, 2020)
Educational Psychology (2020)
Learning and Instruction (2020)
Journal of Curriculum Studies (2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2020)
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (2019)
Nomad, Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018)
PME, Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Education Inquiry (2017)
The Australian Journal of Teacher Education (consulting editor, 2011--2015)
Mathematics Education Research Journal (2012)
MERGA, Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (2011)
The Mathematics Educator (2007)
External evaluator for:
Vacant position as professor at Åbo Akademi University, November 2024
Promotion to docent (associate professor) at Linköping University, April 2022
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Linköping University, March 2022
Vacant position as professor at Mälardalen University, September 2021 & December 2021
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Kristianstad University, June 2021
Promotion to senior lecturer at Dalarna University, May 2021
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Jönköping University, November 2020
Vacant position as senior lecturer at University of Gävle, October 2019
Applications to The Swedish Institute for Educational Research, June-September 2019
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Karlstad University, January 2019
Applications to The Swedish Institute for Educational Research, June-September 2018
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Dalarna University, August 2018
Applications to The Swedish Institute for Educational Research, June-September 2017
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Karlstad University, June 2016
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Malmö University, May 2015
Vacant position as senior lecturer at Dalarna University, April 2014
Administration and leadership:
Member of The Swedish Research Council's Committee for Educational Sciences (2022-2024)
Head of subject for Mathematics and Science Education, Mid Sweden University (2019-2024)
Assistant head of department at The Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden (2018-2024)
Director of PhD studies at The Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden (2018-2021)
Member of research committee for teacher education, Mid Sweden University (2016-2021)
Umeå University Advanced Study Programme: Research Leadership for established researchers (2015-2016)
Member of committee for research and research education at The Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden (2013-2016)
Evaluation and development of external assignments at The Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden (2015)
Member of steering group for National doctoral programme focusing on "The language of schooling in mathematical and science practices" (2013-2015)
Conference organization:
Member of the program committee for LUMA-NT, the conference for teacher educators in mathematics, science and technology, October 2-4, 2019, Sundsvall, Sweden
Member of the international program committee for ICMT3, The Third International Conference of Mathematics Textbook Research and Development, September 16-19, 2019, Paderborn, Germany
Co-chair for PME 42, The 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, July 3-8, 2018, Umeå, Sweden
Co-chair for the Symposium on Languages and Mathematics (SLaM), June 13-14, 2016, Umeå, Sweden
Member of the program committee for MADIF 9, The Ninth Mathematics Education Research Seminar, February 4-5, 2014, Umeå, Sweden
Chair for the Workshop on Mathematical Beliefs (WoMB), November 4-5, 2009, Umeå, Sweden
Member of the program committee and the local organizing committee for the Aniversary conference of the Research school in mathematics education, October 25-26, 2006, Linköping, Sweden
Cooperation in research projects with international researchers, from Australia, England, Germany, Israel and South Africa
Hosting a guest researcher on sabbatical from Singapore, January--June 2016, Umeå University
Hosting a postdoc from Australia, November 2014--October 2016, Umeå University
Visiting scholar at the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, February 2011--January 2013
Participation in the Summer school for doctoral students in mathematics education in the Nordic and Baltic countries, June 12-17, 2006, Dömmesmoen, Norway
Visiting the Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, USA, 2005-01-07--02-04
Magnus Österholm
Main page
Umeå University
Umeå School of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre
Mid Sweden University
Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education
Monash University
Faculty of Education
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics