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Abstract: |
In order to refine existing theories of beliefs, attention is given to the ontology of beliefs, in particular how a belief can be seen as a mental object or a mental process. The analysis focuses on some central aspects of beliefs; unconsciousness, contextualization, and creation and change of beliefs, but also relates to research methodology. Through the analysis, the creation of belief is highlighted as a central aspect for more in-depth theories of beliefs. The outline of a theoretical framework is described – a framework that has the benefit of creating a coherent integration of all different aspects discussed, and which can also be used as a framework when designing and analyzing methods for empirical research.
Magnus Österholm
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Umeå University
Umeå School of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre
Mid Sweden University
Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education
Monash University
Faculty of Education
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics