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Abstract: |
This study uses categories of comprehension criteria to examine students’ reasons for stating that they do, or do not, understand a given mathematics text. Nine student teachers were individually interviewed, where they read a text and commented on their comprehension, in particular, why they felt they did, or did not, understand the text. The students had some difficulties commenting on their comprehension in this manner, something that can be due to that much of comprehension monitoring, when criteria for comprehension are used, might be operating at an unconscious cognitive level. Some specific aspects of mathematics texts are examined, such as the symbolic language and conceptual and procedural understanding.
Magnus Österholm
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Umeå University
Umeå School of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre
Mid Sweden University
Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education
Monash University
Faculty of Education
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics