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Abstract: |
In order to develop more detailed knowledge about possible effects of beliefs in mathematics education, it is suggested that we look more in-depth at more general types of theories. In particular, the study of relations between epistemological beliefs and communication is put forward as a good starting point in this endeavor. Theories of the constructs of epistemological beliefs and communication are analyzed in order to try to create a coherent theoretical foundation for the study of relations between the two constructs. Although some contradictions between theories are found, a type of unification is suggested, building on the theories of epistemological resources and discursive psychology.
Magnus Österholm
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Umeå University
Umeå School of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre
Mid Sweden University
Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education
Monash University
Faculty of Education
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics