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Abstract: |
This paper reports on a part of an evaluation of the professional development program (PDP) Boost for Mathematics in Sweden. Around 200 mathematics lessons were observed, and the teachers were interviewed after each lesson. The findings indicate that the PDP has had a significant impact on the teachers’ knowledge about the mathematical competencies as they are presented in the national curriculum documents, and that the teaching practice had improved and now gives the students better possibilities to develop the competencies. The results also show that these improvements are still present one year after the program had ended.
Magnus Österholm
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Umeå University
Umeå School of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre
Mid Sweden University
Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Department of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education
Monash University
Faculty of Education
Linköping University
The Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics